Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Web Stack (STAR)

Trying to start a new web stack

[edit]follow link http://aphatak.blogspot.com/2010/08/star-stack.html to read and download the stack [edit]

S = SQLite (embed db and jdbc driver)
T = Tomcat (as dedicated Railo Container with SQLite JDBC driver)
A = Apache (for serving static stuff. Will try to sever this from WAMP stack, maybe)
R = Railo (cfml engine)

Off these, I have been able to take Tomcat and integrate it with Railo (this is also documented on Jamie Krugg's blog)

Remember...you saw it here first !!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Simple things that we forget

Create a few simple classes (one extends the other)
   1: class A {
   2:     public String prop_a1 = "property a1";
   4:     public String method_a2() {
   5:         return "return from method_a2";
   6:     }
   7: }

   1: class B extends A {
   2:     public String prop_b1 = "property b1";
   3:     public String method_b2() {
   4:         return "return from method_b2";
   5:     }
   6: }

Now test the methods from inheritance chain...

   1: class C {
   2:     public static void main(String [] args) {
   3:         A a = new B(); // this is upcasting
   5: System.out.println(a.prop_a1);
   6:         System.out.println(a.method_a2());
   9:         /**
  10:         ** The following code is compile-time error
  11:         ** System.out.println(a.prop_b1);
  12:         ** System.out.println(a.method_b2());
  14:                 C:\Java\test4>javac A.java
  15:                 A.java:24: cannot find symbol
  16:                 symbol : variable prop_b1
  17:                 location: class A
  18:                 System.out.println(a.prop_b1);
  19:                                    ^
  20:                 A.java:25: cannot find symbol
  21:                 symbol : method method_b2()
  22:                 location: class A
  23:                 System.out.println(a.method_b2());
  24:                                    ^
  25:                 2 errors
  26:             **/
  31:         B b = new A();
  32:         /**
  33:          ** B b = new A();
  34:          ** The above code is "downcasting" [I stand corrected]
  35:          * C:\Java\test4>javac A.java
  36:                 A.java:45: incompatible types
  37:                 found : A
  38:                 required: B
  39:                 B b = new A();
  40:                 ^
  41:                 1 error
  42:             **/
  44:             B b = (B)new A();
  45:                 /**
  46:                   * Casting will compile
  47:                   * But causes a runtime error
  48:                  **/
  50:         }
  51: }



Looking at the comments below, I feel compelled to write the reason for these snippets of code. In ActionScript 3.0, the following works in standard mode (deferred type checking)

   1: class ClassBase
   2: {
   3: }

You can subsequently create a subclass of ClassBase named ClassExtender, which has one property named someString, as follows:

   1: class ClassExtender extends ClassBase
   2: {
   3:     var someString:String;
   4: }

and finally:

   1: var myClass:ClassBase = new ClassExtender();
   2: myClass.someString = 
   3: "hello";
   4: // no error in ActionScript 3.0 standard mode



Few more: public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 10; Integer I = new Integer(10); System.out.println("I == i : "+ (I == i)); // true System.out.println("I.equals(i) : "+ I.equals(i)); // true long l = 10L; System.out.println("I == l : " + (I == l)); // true Long L = new Long((long)10); System.out.println("I == L : Compiler Error...Incompatible datatypes"); System.out.println("I.equals(L) : " + I.equals(L)); // false }